
Our handpicked favorites for you!

We love to share our favorites with you. Here’s the stuff we like: podcasts, video podcasts, newsletters, TED talks, books, IDE’s and many more. Tell us what you’re passionate about on Twitter: @futurestud_io

Great running app that will definitely motivate you to NOT give up.

Great code editor with an awesome plugin system.

A great manifesto on growing yourself and your business.

Dedicate life to things that are essential for your happiness.

Great Podcast app for Web, Anrdoid and iOS with sync feature!

Breath in the ideas of working from anywhere, anytime.

Good design is thorough down to the last detail. This Tumblr is a very inspiring reference for Web- and AppDesigners!

Kairosoft Games

Android Games

If you've a few hours to fill and love management games with depth.

You don't need much to start. Small steps make the difference and you can make a life with purpose.

Don't drool yourself while you're watching this collection of web experiments. An impressive and inspiring work!

Must-Watch for everyone. Also entertaining.

Forget business as usual! Hope to succeed and take action.