Automatically Map Any Data Structure with Gson
Every modern Java or Android application will need to do some Java-JSON parsing in their application life cycle. Gson is the most commonly used library to do Java-JSON serialization and deserialization automatically.
Data parsing and mapping are complex processes. Gson makes things quite simple, but there are a lot of details that can trip your development up. If it’s crazy data structures, weird variable names or complex dynamic data, you can lose a lot of time on something that should be done in minutes.
Gson solves most problems in just a few lines. You just need to know the solutions!
Get a grasp on what Gson can do for you and have a first glimpse into its capabilities!
After the basic examples in the first tutorial, you'll learn about complex structures: nested objects.
Maybe the most valuable tutorial in this learning path. Mapping of arrays and lists is something you definitely need to know!
Gson's null value behavior might be a little unintuitive. But don't worry, in this tutorial you'll learn everything you need to know!
Configure your Java models in a way that you can resolve any conflict in API and local naming schemes! Learn how you can adjust the naming during serialization and deserialization.
Limit the (de)serialized objects to specific objects with this tutorial. You'll learn about the @Expose annotation and alternative options.
You'll conclude this learning path with the tutorial on how you can customize your Gson instance. Explore the other dozens of our Gson tutorials on your own afterwards.
The tools, frameworks & basics you need
This learning path is for you, if you're a Java or Android developer, who wants to get to know Gson. If you've used Java before, you're ready to go 🤘
No expiration date. No plans to retire it. At some point, we might update or extend it though!
No, all tutorials in this learning path are currently available for free.