Articles tagged in: Bun

Bun — Detect the Version at Runtime

Sometimes you need to detect the version running your code at runtime. You may need this to ensure that your code runs with a required version of Bun. This tutorial shows you how to detect the Bun version, that runs your code, at runtime. {{outline}} Determine the Bun Version Running …

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PM2 — Using Bun to Start Your App

We migrated the code running the website from CommonJS to ESM. We used ts-node in combination with SWC to run the CommonJS TypeScript code. But ts-node isn’t working with TypeScript and ESM (there’s an open issue). Now that ts-node isn’t working, we need to use …

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Android Custom Fonts Renewed — Font Family

In the last tutorial, we've explored the modern way of implementing custom fonts on Android. However, it broke the support for dynamically changing the font style and weights (for example, bold or italic). In this tutorial, we'll fix this drawback and configure a font family with different styles. {{outline}} {{video} …

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CoreOS — How to Set Up a Cluster

Last week we’ve learned about CoreOS’ components and technologies within the ecosystem. This week, we’re directly diving into the practical part and get our hands dirty. If you read the first post, you already know that CoreOS is an operating system geared towards high-availability. Setting up a cluster …

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