
Marcus is a fullstack JS developer. He’s passionate about the hapi framework for Node.js and loves to build web apps and APIs. Creator of Futureflix and the “learn hapi” learning path.

MySQL — Order By Columns Whichever is Not Null

MySQL is flexible in the data model and allows you to have nullable columns. For example, you’re using NULL as the default date-time value until a given action happens. When displaying the data you may want to apply a specific sorting. But if the sorting column allows NULL values, …

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MySQL — Rename a Column

An application in production evolves by adding new features. You may also detect inconsistencies from previous developments that you want to improve, such as the naming in your database schema or adjustments in casing. You can rename columns in MySQL easily and this tutorial shows you how. {{outline}} MySQL 8. …

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nano — Open Files at a Given Line Number

The nano text editor is included in Debian-based operating systems. Because Ubuntu is based on Debian you’ll find nano pre-installed as well. The nano editor comes in handy when working in environments where you don’t have a user interface. For example, in server environments or using remote connections …

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git — Clone Into Current Directory

Typically we’re cloning a git repository into a dedicated directory. The cloned directory then has the name of the repository which, by default, is the repository’s slug. You may also define the directory name in which the git repository’s contents will be cloned. Recently we prepared the …

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