
Marcus is a fullstack JS developer. He’s passionate about the hapi framework for Node.js and loves to build web apps and APIs. Creator of Futureflix and the “learn hapi” learning path.

How to Show Your Elasticsearch Version on Ubuntu/Debian

Recently, I provisioned a new Elasticsearch cluster. The installation process on Ubuntu used the apt package manager and everything looked good. I started the application as soon as Elasticsearch booted and was ready for connections. The app connected to the database, everything looked good. Yet, the Elastic SDK failed while …

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GitHub Actions — Run a Workflow When Creating a Tag

GitHub Actions provider powerful configurations. You can customize the event triggers to run a job to your own needs. We use a handy workflow to publish our packages to the GitHub Package Registry in our repositories. The “publish workflow” only runs when creating a new tag in a repository. {{outline} …

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GitHub Actions — Customize the Job Name

GitHub Actions provide a convenient way to run your application tests. You can also run a test matrix with different dependency versions. For example, a test matrix can consist of three Node.js and two MongoDB versions. The test suite will then run against all combinations of Node.js and …

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GitHub Actions — Run on Pull Request

GitHub Actions have different triggers. You can run an action when pushing code to a repository, or when creating a new tag. When building open source packages, you may receive pull requests from users. Typically, you want to run your test suite against the changed code in the pull request. …

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Sort an Array of Integers in JavaScript and Node.js

Sorting data is a common task in programming. JavaScript provides a .sort(comparator) method on arrays allowing you to sort data with custom comparator. A comparator represents a compare function determining which element comes before the other. When sorting integers, a custom compare function comes handy because you can ensure …

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GitHub Actions — Using MongoDB Replica Sets

GitHub Actions let you automate tasks on your repositories. For example, you can move your entire CI/CD pipeline to GitHub using Actions. You probably need a database when running your tests. MongoDB recommends using replica sets in production environments. You can push your testing environment as close to the …

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