
Marcus is a fullstack JS developer. He’s passionate about the hapi framework for Node.js and loves to build web apps and APIs. Creator of Futureflix and the “learn hapi” learning path.

NPM — How to Uninstall Packages

NPM has large ecosystem of JavaScript modules. During development, you may add dependencies to your project and may not need them anymore at a later point. Using the NPM CLI to install dependencies will add the module to your project dependencies by adding it to your package.json file. In …

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learn hapi — JWT Claims 101

You’re automatically using claims when using JWTs in your application. JWT Claims are an important piece in the JSON web token specification. Claims represent the data you’re storing inside the JWT. A JWT claim set is the JWT payload consisting of more than one key-value-pair. Imagine a JWT …

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Node.js — String Replace All Appearances

String replacements are a common task in app development. JavaScript has powerful string methods and you intentionally think of string.replace() when reading the headline. Good catch, but there’s a trick to replacing all appearances when using it. Read on to get the details! {{outline}} String.replace(): One Appearance …

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