Future Studio Tutorials

Public tutorial on Thursday. Wednesday is only.

GitHub Actions — Clone Another Repository

GitHub Actions integrate automated workflows into a repository. We’re usually running the test suite of a given repository when pushing commits to a repository on GitHub. This tutorial shows you how to clone other repositories in your GitHub Actions workflows. {{outline}} Use Case: the Supercharge Website The Supercharge website …

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How to Generage a UUID in Node.js

UUIDs are typically used as unique identifiers. You can also use them in JavaScript and Node.js. The Node.js team recently added native support to generate a UUID to Node.js’ crypto module. For earlier Node.js versions you may use a community package to generate a UUID. That’ …

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Node.js — Check If a Directory Is Empty

You want a solid and convenient experience when working with the file system in Node.js. The file system comes with its own challenges, like space limitations and access restrictions. Typically you also need to ensure a given state. For example, you want to delete all files from a given …

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