Future Studio Tutorials

Public tutorial on Thursday. Wednesday is only.

How to Show Your Elasticsearch Version on Ubuntu/Debian

Recently, I provisioned a new Elasticsearch cluster. The installation process on Ubuntu used the apt package manager and everything looked good. I started the application as soon as Elasticsearch booted and was ready for connections. The app connected to the database, everything looked good. Yet, the Elastic SDK failed while …

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GitHub Actions — Run a Workflow When Creating a Tag

GitHub Actions provider powerful configurations. You can customize the event triggers to run a job to your own needs. We use a handy workflow to publish our packages to the GitHub Package Registry in our repositories. The “publish workflow” only runs when creating a new tag in a repository. {{outline} …

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GitHub Actions — Customize the Job Name

GitHub Actions provide a convenient way to run your application tests. You can also run a test matrix with different dependency versions. For example, a test matrix can consist of three Node.js and two MongoDB versions. The test suite will then run against all combinations of Node.js and …

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GitHub Actions — Run on Pull Request

GitHub Actions have different triggers. You can run an action when pushing code to a repository, or when creating a new tag. When building open source packages, you may receive pull requests from users. Typically, you want to run your test suite against the changed code in the pull request. …

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Sort an Array of Integers in JavaScript and Node.js

Sorting data is a common task in programming. JavaScript provides a .sort(comparator) method on arrays allowing you to sort data with custom comparator. A comparator represents a compare function determining which element comes before the other. When sorting integers, a custom compare function comes handy because you can ensure …

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