Servers for Hackers — Start with Server Administration as a Developer

As a developer you'll reach the point where you have to put your hands on server administration, even though for your local machine setup. The typical Google search covers the most topics and tutorials will guide you to finish the purpose.

Chris Fidao (known as @fideloper) created a very inspiring and didactic newsletter, called Servers for Hackers. This newsletter is tailored for programmers, hackers and everyone interested in the topic of server administration. Chris describes it as follows:

This newsletter will cover things like user management and permissions, firewalls, LAMP stacks, apache, nginx, load balancers, proxies, nodejs, ruby, python, php, search engines, automating processes, handling log files, git, deployment, sql, nosql, development environments, provisioning.


A new edition is released every second Tuesday. There are already 8 editions available. The past editions cover the topics of

  • security, permissions and user management
  • SSL certificates and installation on nginx and apache
  • nginx, apache, vagrant
  • copying files and logging

Interested? Go on and sign up.

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