Articles tagged in: TypeScript

Node.js — What is `Symbol.iterator`?

JavaScript has support for iteration protocols. These iteration protocols aren’t built-in implementations, but protocols outlining the convention that an implementation needs to follow. The Iteration protocol allows custom JavaScript objects to provide iteration behavior, for example how they provide values when looping over them in a for…of loop. …

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TypeScript — Using a String as Enum Key

TypeScript enums are similar to JavaScript objects. They store a named set of constants. Enums can also store a key-value pair. You can access the values with a string-like value. It’s “string-like” because enums are more strict in types and require a specific string value: one of the available …

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TypeScript — Get All Values of an Enum

TypeScript Enums are a feature carrying a named set of constants. TypeScript supports numeric enums and string enums. You can provide a name and value, like a key-value pair, for your enums. This tutorial shows you how to retrieve all available values of a TypeScript enum. {{outline}} Get All Values …

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