Future Studio Tutorials

Public tutorial on Thursday. Wednesday is only.

Node.js — Fix „Socket Hang Up“ Errors

Node.js published the first release of version 19.0.0 on October 18th, 2022. After that, we updated some of the Supercharge packages to run tests for Node.js 19 to ensure compatibility of the packages. One hiccup we noticed were the test runs for the @supercharge/sttp package. …

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Node.js — How to Count Words in a File

Sometimes you want to count the number of words in a given string. This string value may come from a variable, a database column, or the content of a file. For example, you can calculate the reading time of a text using a text’s word count. This tutorial shows …

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Vue.js 3 — How to Unmount an App and Remove from DOM

Vue.js 3 provides a handy createApp function allowing you to fluently create and mount a single page application. We’re currently working on a project that mainly uses native JavaScript and we’re adding Vue.js programmatically when creating and interacting with a complex modal. Using Vue.js for …

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Node.js — Constant for Platform-Specific Newline

Operating systems use different end-of-line markers indicating a new line after the given marker. For example, POSIX systems (like Linux and macOS) use \n and Windows uses \r\n. This tutorial shows you how to retrieve a platform-specific EOL marker depending on the operating system that runs your code. {{outline} …

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Node.js — Calculate a SHA256 Hash

Node.js comes with a built-in crypto module and a bundled version of OpenSSL. The crypto module wraps OpenSSL providing an API for cryptographic functions. Node.js’ crypto module provides a createHash method allowing you to calculate hashes of given content. This tutorial shows you how to use the createHash …

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