Retrofit — Series Round-Up

This is the end … just kidding! This is just the temporary end of our Retrofit series. Of course not the end of Future Studio! We hope you learned a lot and got tons of value throughout the series of articles. We want to conclude with an overview and short recap of the posts we published during the last months.

Overview of Retrofit Posts

Published posts belong to a specific topic. Let’s review the posts with look back what topics are covered.

Retrofit 2

Retrofit 2 ships with various breaking changes which requires you to update your code respectively. This guide will help you touching the correct components to get your app working when jumping from Retrofit 1.x to Retrofit 2.x.

Getting Started with Retrofit

The first post in the series illustrates how to get going with Retrofit and lays the foundation with a basic Retrofit client.

Authentication with Retrofit

Authentication is almost everywhere on mobile. Connecting to different kinds of backends requires different approaches on client side. We’ve released three guides on how to authenticate with Retrofit against backends.

Requests with Retrofit

Retrofit offers a lot abilities to manipulate requests and parameters. We covered the manipulation of both query and path parameters. Additionally, Retrofit provides the feature of synchronous and asynchronous requests out of the box. Our guide shows you how to use them and what pitfalls can occur in usage.

Further, debugging requests can save you hours and nerves. Use Retrofits log level and output what’s going on under the surface.

Response Handling with Retrofit

Requesting data from APIs requires appropriate handling of responses. Besides the build-in response converters, you can define your own one. Head over and have a look in our guide how to create your custom response converter. Even XML isn’t save anymore and responses can be parsed like a charm.

File Upload with Retrofit

File handling kind of sucks sometimes. It doesn’t with Retrofit! Send files to servers as multipart data without worrying about the internal handling. No fighting with Java streams, Retrofit got you covered!

Finishing Up

Even though this is the round-up of our series, there will be posts about Retrofit in the future. We have a shower of ideas for future blogposts about Retrofit. What we think about: creating a mock-client for Retrofit and tracking file upload progress.

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If you miss any topic and want us to have a look or write an article, just leave a comment or give us a shot on twitter @futurestud_io.

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