Articles tagged in: JavaScript

fetch — Detect Network Error

We’re building a Vue.js application for a client project. This Vue.js app uses the useFetch composable from VueUse. This composable uses the browser’s fetch to send requests to a given URL and handle the responses. We wanted to integrate handling in the Vue.js app to …

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JavaScript — Prevent Line Breaks in String Template Literals

Template literates in JavaScript are delimited with backticks and allow you to create string interpolation and multi-line strings. A multi-line string with template literals is convenient because you can add words and line breaks without concatenating strings using a + across lines. A downside of multi-line strings in template literals: it …

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Node.js — What is `Symbol.iterator`?

JavaScript has support for iteration protocols. These iteration protocols aren’t built-in implementations, but protocols outlining the convention that an implementation needs to follow. The Iteration protocol allows custom JavaScript objects to provide iteration behavior, for example how they provide values when looping over them in a for…of loop. …

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