Articles tagged in: JavaScript

JavaScript — Sort a Set

Modern JavaScript comes with a built-in Set class. A set instance stores unique values of any type. You can use sets with primitive values and more complex data structures, like objects. A downside of sets in JavaScript is that they don’t provide the same methods as arrays. Sets don’ …

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JavaScript — Check if a String is a Number

In web applications, you can transfer data using the URL. For example, here on Future Studio, we have a listed overview of all published tutorials. This overview is paginated using limit-offset pagination. Users read through this tutorial list by paginating through the pages using a page query parameter. This page …

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JavaScript — Get URL Query Parameters

Sometimes you want to retrieve the URL query parameters when using JavaScript on the client side. JavaScript in the browser provides a global window.location object providing you with all the URL parts. The query parameters are available in This tutorial shows you how to access and …

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