TypeScript — Get Type of Class Properties and Omit Methods

We at Future Studio use TypeScript on the frontend and backend. The backend uses an ORM and related models to interact with data from the database. The database models define all accessible properties that are available in the serialized JSON. The frontend uses this JSON and we want to derive a TypeScript type of the model’s shape. This shape contains all model properties, but not the functions.

This tutorial shows you how to get all class fields and create a TypeScript type from it.

TypeScript Series Overview

Extract Class Properties in TypeScript

TypeScript can extract properties from a class type and create a new type of it. You must create yourself a helper type that extracts all properties from a class type. Your helper must ignore all Function properties (= class methods).

Here’s the TypeScript type that extracts all properties of a class and creates a new type for them:

type ClassProperties<C> = {  
  [Key in keyof C as C[Key] extends Function ? never : Key]: C[Key]

Now you can use this TypeScript type that extracts all class properties and a create a new type that contains the fields and nothing else. Here’s a code sample using a UserModel as the origin to extract all properties:

type ClassProperties<C> = {  
  [Key in keyof C as C[Key] extends Function ? never : Key]: C[Key]

class UserModel {  
  public name!: string

  public getName(): string {
    return this.name

export type UserPropertiesType = ClassProperties<UserModel>  
// type UserPropertiesType = { name: string; }

The created UserPropertiesType contains the name field. It doesn’t have the getName() method anymore. Sweet!

Remember TypeScript Visibility Keywords

What happens to properties using other visibility keywords than public? TypeScript comes with the private, protected, and public visibilities. We saw that all public properties are part of the resulting property’s type. But what happens to protected and private properties? Let’s find out!

type ClassProperties<C> = {  
  [Key in keyof C as C[Key] extends Function ? never : Key]: C[Key]

class UserModel {  
  public name!: string
  protected age!: number
  private readonly internalNotes: string = ''

  public getName(): string {
    return this.name

export type UserPropertiesType = ClassProperties<UserModel>  
// type UserPropertiesType = { name: string; }

The UserPropertiesType type contains only public properties. private and protected properties are not part of the derived type. You must adjust the property visibilities to expose them.

Enjoy extracting properties from TypeScript classes!

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