TypeScript — Module Augmentation Overwrites Declarations Instead of Merging Them

TypeScript comes with a feature called declaration merging. Declaration merging means that the TypeScript compiler merges two or more separate declarations that use the same name into a single definition. Merging definitions is helpful if you’re extending a contract with custom functionality and want to tell TypeScript about the newly added properties or methods.

Declaration merging could cause issues when used in combination with module augmentation of third-party packages. This tutorial shows you how to extend interfaces in modules instead of overwriting them.

TypeScript Series Overview

The Problem: Module Augmentation Overwrote Type Declarations

The Supercharge Node.js framework provides interfaces in a @supercharge/contracts package. We wanted to extend the HTTP header contract to provide types for custom headers that we use in a project.

We added a types directory in our project and created an http.ts file that contains all custom type declarations:

└ http.ts

The type declarations within the types/http.ts file augment the @supercharge/contracts package:

declare module '@supercharge/contracts' {  
  export interface HttpRequestHeaders {
    // add custom HTTP request headers

    'X-Rate-Limit-Limit': number | undefined
    'X-Rate-Limit-Reset': number | undefined
    'X-Rate-Limit-Remaining': number | undefined

What happened when adding our custom type declarations: Visual Studio code lost all exports from @supercharge/contracts. VS Code didn’t find any exported type from the package except our HttpRequestHeaders interface. What a bummer! Let’s fix that.

Using Declaration Merging with Module Augmentation

We found a related issue within the TypeScript repository on GitHub. We lost all exported declarations from @supercharge/contracts because we used a regular TypeScript file with .ts file extension that didn’t have an export. No export from a TypeScript file means it’s not a module. Make it a module by having an import or an export within the file.

In our case, we added the import '@supercharge/contracts' to the beginning of the file because we don’t have anything to export:

import '@supercharge/contracts'

declare module '@supercharge/contracts' {  
  export interface HttpRequestHeaders {
    // add custom HTTP request headers

    'X-Rate-Limit-Limit': number | undefined
    'X-Rate-Limit-Reset': number | undefined
    'X-Rate-Limit-Remaining': number | undefined

Importing the @supercharge/contracts package fixed the issue and TypeScript’s compiler picked up all types, also the merged ones. Awesome!

Enjoy TypeScript declaration merging in combination with module augmentation!

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