TypeScript — How to Remove Index Signature from a Type

Index signatures in TypeScript are a nice way to open up a type for unknown fields. This might be useful if you don’t know all the attributes in advance. In contrast, as a developer, you typically want a strict type so that your code editor can infer the type of a value. You want IntelliSense in your editor and the guiding hand during development.

This tutorial shows you how to remove the index signature from a TypeScript type.

TypeScript Series Overview

Removing the Index Signature from a Type in TypeScript

TypeScript comes with a feature called Key Remapping in Mapped Types. It allows you to re-map keys using an as clause. This is helpful for the removal of index signatures. When removing an index signature, you know that the key of such an index signature is either of type string, number, or symbol.

Let’s look at a Person interface that has two specific keys name and age and the index signature:

export interface Person {  
  name: string
  age: number
  [key: string]: any

The broad index signature opens up the values for keyof Person to string. What you actually want is that keyof Person is strictly resolving to 'name' and 'age'. That’s achievable by removing the index signature. Here’s a StrictlyTypedPerson with a removed index signature and only keeping the specific keys known in the Person interface:

export interface Person {  
  name: string
  age: number
  [key: string]: any

type StrictlyTypedPerson = {  
  // copy all attributes from the person interface
  // and remove the index signature
  [K in keyof Person as string extends K
    ? never
    : number extends K
      ? never
      : K
  ]: Person[K];
// type StrictlyTypedPerson = { name: string, age: number }

The way removing the index signature works is this: we’re going through every key in the Person interface. If the type detects a broad string key, it resolves the type to never which tells TypeScript to remove it. The same holds true for the number type.

You might wonder why the resulting type keeps the name and age attributes. Good catch! The name and age keys resolve to the exact, same-named keys 'name' and 'age' instead of a broad „string“ type. That means, name and age stay in the type.

Creating a Generic Type to Remove the Index Signature

You could also extract the type removing the index signature to a generic, reusable type:

export type RemoveIndexSignature<T> = {  
  [K in keyof T as string extends K
    ? never
    : number extends K
      ? never
      : symbol extends K
        ? never
        : K
  ]: T[K];

You can use the generic RemoveIndexSignature type like in this example: create a strict Person type with known properties:

export interface Person {  
  name: string
  age: number
  [key: string]: any

type StrictlyTypedPerson = RemoveIndexSignature<Person>  
// type StrictlyTypedPerson = { name: string, age: number }

Enjoy removing index signatures from TypeScript types!

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