Articles tagged in: Python

Matplotlib — Create Basic Legends

Creating informative plots is not an easy task. You have to make sure to select a good visualization for the data. Additionally, you have to ensure that the presented data is easy to comprehend. In the previous tutorial, you have learned to add labels. In this tutorial, you will learn …

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Matplotlib — Customize Labels

An informative plot does not only present the data itself well, but annotates the content in a way that readers will quickly grasp it. One critical element is to always add accurate axis labels. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to add and configure axis labels in matplotlib plots. {{outline} …

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Matplotlib — Save Plots as File

In our tutorial series on matplotlib, you have learned how create many different plots and how to customize their design. So far, you have looked at the resulting plot by calling .show(). But what if you need to share the plot? For example, if you need to send it in …

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Matplotlib — Stacked Bar Plots

After learning about simple bar plots in the previous tutorial, it's time to take a look at stacked bar plots. Stacked bar plots provide more detail information about every individual bar. Let's dive in! {{outline}} Stacked Bar Plots In the simple bar plot tutorial, you used the number of tutorials …

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Matplotlib — Simple Bar Plots

In the first two tutorials in this series, you've learned to create scatter and line plots with matplotlib. In this tutorial, you'll learn more about bar plots, including how to create and theme them. {{outline}} Bar Plots As in the past tutorials, before you can create pretty graphs, you need …

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Matplotlib — Simple Line Plots

matplotlib ships with a variety of different plots. In this tutorial, you'll get to know line plots or line charts in more detail. You'll see how to create a simple line plot, how to adjust styling, and how to draw multiple lines in a single chart. {{outline}} Sample Data for …

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