hapi — How to Register Plugins for a Selected Server Instance

Within a previous tutorial, you’ve already seen how to separate the frontend and backend within a single hapi project. Hapi ships with build-in support to create multiple connections which are internally handled as virtual servers that listen on different ports.

Because you’re already using multiple internal servers, you want to keep them lean and only add the functionality that is required for the given instance. Further, it’s a best-practice in hapi to use plugins to add functionality to your server and you can apply that behavior across multiple servers as well.

This tutorial will walk you through the process on how to create multiple hapi server connections and register individual plugins only for a selected instance.

hapi Series Overview

Multiple hapi Server Connections

As a hapi developer, you’re already familiar with the server.connection() method that defines the incoming server connection. As the return value of such method call, you’ll get a server object that is usable like you would do with new Hapi.Server(). When adding a second connection, you’ll receive another server instance in return. For those different server instances, you can register routes and plugins and call the same methods as you would do on the actual server object.

The following code example shows you how to create two connections: the first is labeled as frontend and the second one as backend. Later within this tutorial, we’ll refer to this code block with reference to it’s file name: server.js.


var Hapi = require('hapi')  
var _ = require('lodash')  
var port = 3000

// create new server instance
var server = new Hapi.Server()

// add server’s connection information
var frontend = server.connection({  
  host: 'localhost',
  port: process.env.PORT || port,
  labels: 'frontend'

// add another server connection
var backend = server.connection({  
  host: 'localhost',
  port: process.env.PORT + 1 || port + 1,
  labels: 'backend'

// start your server after plugin registration
server.start(function (err) {  
  if (err) {
    throw err

  _.forEach(server.connections, function(connection) {
    console.log('Server started at: ' + connection.info.uri)

The individual connections for frontend and backend use a port offset of 1 which means the backend is available on a port that is increased by one in reference to the frontend. Ultimately, you’re going to start both virtual servers for frontend and backend on their defined connections.

If you’re going to run the code snippet from above, the command line output will look like this:

$ node server.js
Server started at: http://localhost:3000  
Server started at: http://localhost:3001  

Due to the fact that you didn’t specify the PORT environment variable while starting the server.js file, the default port 3000 is used for the frontend connection and port 3001 for the backend respectively.

Register Plugins Only for a Selected Server

The server setup is done. You’ve created two virtual server instances that can be used as two different servers with their individual functionality. Plugins are an essential component in hapi and it’s highly recommended to extend your server’s functionality using plugins.

In the following, you’ll create a simple plugin that registers a route to the calling server instance. Any further reference to this plugin is done via the chosen file name: frontend-routes.js.


var plugin = {  
  register: function (server, options, next) {
      method: 'GET',
      path: '/',
      handler: function (request, reply) {
        reply('Frontend is totally fine')


plugin.register.attributes = {  
  name: 'multiple-server-instances-frontend-routes',
  version: '1.0.0'

module.exports = plugin  

As you can see, the plugin code is straight forward and only adds the mentioned route to the server. Finally, the next() method gets called to notify hapi that the plugin was added correctly and the next one can be registered.

That plugin can now be used and registered to a selected server instance. Because your plugin is dedicated to the frontend, you only want to register it to the frontend server. Add the following lines to your server.js file (or your chosen file name) and with that register the plugin to your frontend instance.

  register: require('./frontend-route')

Restart your hapi server so that the changes take effect. The registered plugin adds the defined route to your frontend server which is available on port 3000 (or your chosen port). Just call http://localhost:3000 in your browser to check if everything went smooth. You should see the Frontend is totally fine message.

You can double check your backend by navigating to http://localhost:3001 in your browser and verify that the plugin wasn’t added to the backend server instance as well.


This guide walked you through the setup of a hapi server that listens for incoming requests on two connections. Further, you’ve created a plugin and only registered it to one of the two server connections. That functionality allows you to separate concerns in your hapi app and also keeps a small footprint for your individual servers.

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