learn hapi — Show “Rate Limit Exceeded” Error on Login (Part 5 of 7)

Introducing the rate limiter into your web application brings security benefits, but requires extra work to integrate it smoothly. In the previous tutorial, you added support to render a “rate limit exceeded” web view instead of sending a JSON response.

The web view to show an exceeded limit was dragging the user out of context from the actual request. Users see a different view than before. They were clicking a button and reloading the page will show them the “rate limit exceeded” view than the view they were expecting.

This is what you’ll change by following this tutorial. If a user runs into the rate limit on login, you’ll render the login view and display the “rate limit exceeded” error message.

In case you need a glimpse on the complete package code: it’s available on GitHub in the hapi-rate-limitor repository and on NPM at hapi-rate-limitor.

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